On your iPhone go to the Settings app > Privacy > Location Services > Camera and choose for while you are using the app. No need to use keywords or other metadata, since the geotagging provides all the necessary information.Īre locations not showing up? If the images are taken with your iPhone you may have turned off Location permissions for the Camera app. Location-based searching could be a godsend for real-estate agents, contractors, and others who need to collect images by address. Although it may not happen immediately, Photos will scan all photos for other pictures of each person and add them if you get a banner in the toolbar asking you to review additional photos, click Review and then deselect any photos that aren’t that person in the next dialog. Click People in the sidebar on the left to see the faces that Photos has identified automatically, and if any of them currently lack names, click the Name button for a photo you want to identify, enter a name, and either press Return or select from the suggestions.

With a little training of its facial recognition algorithms, Photos can automatically create and maintain collections of photos of particular people. You can even search on “January” to find all photos taken in January of any year.

If you don’t want to browse, you can also search box in the upper right corner to find things like “2015” or “January 2015.” The utility of such searches is that they filter the displayed images to just those taken in that year or month.